I Know a Guy

Jesus is undoubtedly famous. You are likely familiar with some of His teachings, His story, and His impact. However, the more you get to know Him, the more you realize—there’s so much more to know! As a church, we’re spending five weeks (January 26-February 23) not only deepening our knowledge of Jesus but also strengthening our relationship with Him. We believe that as we do that, it will open us up to Him and to more life-changing friendships with one another.

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Join us on Sundays

Plan to join us all five Sundays during the I Know A Guy teaching series.
8:00 | 9:30 | 11:00 am On-Campus and Online

Plan Your Visit


Join a Group

Get involved by continuing with your existing group or joining an on-campus group.


Sign up for Text Devotions

Engage through devotions that will have you reading Bible verses, focusing your thoughts on God and considering important questions.

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Looking for what's next?


Rooted is a short-term group experience designed to kick-start your connection to God, the church, and your purpose. Whether you’re new to faith, asking questions, or feeling stuck spiritually, Rooted will energize and propel you forward.

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Continue as a Group

Want to keep the group’s momentum going? Consider meeting together in an ongoing rhythm! We'll help equip you with resources for your group as you meet.

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Additional Groups

Throughout the year, we host a variety of groups which foster friendships with Jesus at the center.
Discover upcoming opportunities to learn and grow in a smaller community.

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