First Step

When you're new to a church, finding what you're looking for can be tricky. That's why we host First Step, a fun, informative connection event on Sundays, designed to help newcomers find their people and their place at West Side.

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The earliest Christian baptisms were full immersions in water, intended to resemble Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. Thinking you might want to get baptized? We’d love to help you take that step!

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Rooted is a catalyst for life change where discussion is held in a small group environment, creating a safe space for biblical exploration and practical learning experiences.

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Get in a Group

God made us for community and friendship. Helping people connect and grow together is a vital part of our church’s life and ministry, and we would love to help you get connected.

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Serve on a team

Serving others is one of the most effective ways to live out your faith. In a world focused on personal gain, there is perhaps no greater way to show others what a life devoted to Christ is about than to volunteer. Sign up today and experience the impact our volunteers make on our community.

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