Zacchaeus was rich by the standards of his day, but at the soul level, he was dirt poor. Then he met Jesus. If money has yet to give you the happy, fulfilling life you thought it would, check out this message and allow Jesus to redefine what it means to be RICH.
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What You're Worthy Of - Temitope
Now Here - Red Rocks Worship
Catch Me Singing - Sean Curran
Will Not Be Defeated - Southeast Worship
Follow us on Spotify to find recordings of songs we sing together.
I've Witnessed It - Passion
That's The Power - Hillsong Worship
Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) - Hillsong Worship
Good Plans - Red Rocks Worship
Your Way's Better - Forrest Frank
Same God - Elevation Worship
Whole Heart (Hold Me Now) - Hillsong UNITED
Rejoice - Charity Gayle
I'm So Glad I Met Jesus - Thrive Worship
Steady Love - Kingdom Culture Worship
Dangerous - CCV Music
I Speak Jesus - Charity Gayle
All I Ever Wanted - Red Rocks Worship
What A Beautiful Name - Hillsong Worship
Made For More - Josh Baldwin
Abide - The Worship Initiative
The Lord Will Provide - Passion
All About You - Passion
Abandoned - Benjamin William Hastings
Simple Kingdom - Bryan & Katie Torwalt
Take You At Your Word - Cody Carnes
Promises - Maverick City Music
Make Room - Community Music
Nothing Is Holding Me Back - Bryan & Katie Torwalt
Follow - Passion
Fade Away - Passion
No One Beside - Elevation Worship
Touch Of Heaven - David Funk
1,000 Names - Sean Curran
Living Hope - Cross Point Music