All Church Groups - Tuesday AM for Women

January 28 | 9:00 AM


Jesus is undoubtedly famous. You are likely familiar with some of his teachings, his story, and his impact. However, the more you get to know him, the more you realize—there’s so much more to know! As a church, we want to spend five weeks not only deepening our knowledge of Jesus but also strengthening our relationship with him. We believe that as we do that, it will open us up to him and to more life-changing friendships with one another.

Join us for this five-week study on Tuesdays, 9:00 to 11:00 AM, beginning January 28. Use the button below to let us know you're in!

KidCare is available for this event through registration for Infants to 5th Graders. Watch for the link in your confirmation email.

