Holy Week: Sunday

Thanks for joining us for Holy Week devotions. As we look ahead to the celebration of Easter, we hope that spending some time each day reflecting on the story of Jesus will help us slow down and remember more fully these foundational moments of our faith. As we read through scripture each day from the book of John, we can not only remember what happened in Jesus’ story, but also experience his presence in our lives today.

We are using John’s gospel account for our readings. John was one of Jesus’ closest disciples and friends. The events of Jesus’ final week take up over a third of his book; these final days with Jesus are clearly full of meaning and importance to John!

We begin by reading and remembering Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem for the important Passover celebration in John 12:12-19. (Use the link to read the full section of Scripture.)
Verses 12 and 13 (NIV) say:
The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. 13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting,
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Blessed is the king of Israel!”

Today is often referred to as “Palm Sunday” because of the greeting Jesus received as he came into the city. Though there is some celebration and acknowledgment of Jesus’ identity in this moment, there is also brewing concern about his obvious power. John mentions that Jesus’ disciples didn’t fully understand the significance of this moment until later, but even those at a distance were starting to realize that Jesus had unique power and authority. The word they say to Jesus upon his arrival is “Hosanna,” which means “Save us!” We use that word often as a word of praise, but it’s also a prayer that asks God to help and to save.

How can you invite and welcome Jesus’ presence into your life this week?
How do you need Jesus to save you today?

A prayer for today (use these words or add your own):
God and Father of Jesus Christ,
we are entering a week in which busy activities
and worshipful remembrance are intertwined.
Teach us, even now, to make every day a day of prayer,
so that each day of our lives is filled with hope
because of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Through Jesus we pray. Amen.
(adapted from The Worship Sourcebook)

As you look ahead to this week, think about ways you can set aside some extra time to pray and keep Jesus at the center. If you’d like to see the full reading plan for the week, it is available online here.

We are hosting a Good Friday prayer space this Friday (March 29), and you are invited to join us for self-guided prayer and reflection. For information about all of the Easter at West Side opportunities, go to wschurch.org/easter.