Week 5 - Day 5

In John’s gospel account of Jesus’ life, he adds one extra scene between Jesus and his disciples. They have experienced so much together, and their interaction is full of emotion.

Read today’s scripture and use your imagination to step into each scene. Notice and imagine the details of what you see, what you hear, even what you might smell or taste, and what emotions are present.

  • What moment or interaction with Jesus stands out to you? Why?
In yesterday’s reading (John 20), John said that he wrote down his account of Jesus’ life so that we would believe and follow Jesus as our Lord and Savior. In today’s reading, he shares a personal memory where Jesus moves toward his disciples and reminds them of their calling.

As you finish this devotional and series about knowing Jesus, what do you sense him inviting you to do in response?

Prayer: Jesus, you invite us again to follow you. Show us one step today that we can take to follow you.

Thanks so much for spending time with Jesus through this series! If you’d like some ideas for continuing the habit of meeting with Jesus in scripture and prayer, we have a list of reading plan suggestions at https://www.wschurch.org/readingplan. We also recommend the app, Lectio365 for a daily audio devotional.

To find all of the series resources for “I Know A Guy,” go to www.wschurch.org/iknowaguy