Week 5 - Day 4

Take a moment to pause and remember that Jesus is with you right now. Invite him to speak to you through his Word and the Holy Spirit.

We are moving ahead in John’s Gospel to his account of Jesus’ resurrection. As you read today’s verses, notice how Jesus treats people.

  • Is there a moment or a phrase that stands out to you in these scenes?
  • How does Jesus engage the complicated and confused emotions people have?
In the Message paraphrase, it says, “’Even better blessings are in store for those who believe without seeing.’ Jesus provided far more God-revealing signs than are written down in this book. These are written down so you will believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and in the act of believing, have real and eternal life in the way he personally revealed it.”

How would you describe your belief (or questions) about who Jesus is?
How have you been blessed by believing Jesus (even though you can’t see him)?

Prayer: Jesus, even though I haven’t seen you or been able to touch you, I believe. You are my Lord and my God.