Week 4 - Day 5

Today’s reading is connected to the passage we read yesterday. The two people on the road to Emmaus returned to Jerusalem to tell the disciples what happened.

  • What do you observe about Jesus as he meets with his disciples?
  • What do you notice about the disciples and how they changed over the three chapters you read this week?
  • Is there a phrase or an image that stands out to you in today’s reading?
After everything that has happened over the past week, Jesus is finally with his followers again. They could see him, touch him, and hear him remind them that it was all part of God’s plan. His presence, his words, and his instructions must have been incredible for them to receive!

Prayer: Jesus, we want to experience the peace that you offer us. Help us be filled with hope because you are alive!

As we grow closer to Jesus, we should also grow closer to people! Spend time this weekend considering the health and specifics of some of your key relationships. Use the reflection prompts provided here: https://www.wschurch.org/Content/ikag/IKAG_LifeChangingFriendships.pdf. If you are part of a group, try to work through this reflection BEFORE your Week 5 meeting.