Week 4 - Day 4

As you prepare to read today’s scripture and reflect, pause for a moment to remember Jesus is with you right now.

After Jesus was executed on the cross, his disciples, his followers and the crowd were understandably sad and fearful for their own lives. None of them were prepared for what happened next, and it took them a while to grasp it.

  • What do you notice about Jesus as he walks with Cleopas and the other follower?
  • Why do you think that they immediately turned around and went back to Jerusalem (verse 33), a place they were just trying to get away from?
  • What else stands out to you in these scenes?
While Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is the most incredible and powerful miracle, it took some time for his followers to believe it.

Prayer: Jesus, help us believe what you have promised. We don’t want to miss what you’re doing! Walk with us and help us understand.