Week 4 - Day 1

This week, we will spend time with Jesus in the days leading up to and following his death and resurrection. These days are so significant to our faith, but they are also deeply relational and personal for Jesus and his followers.

Read today’s scripture and use your imagination to step into each scene. Notice and imagine the details of what you see, what you hear, even what you might smell or taste, and what emotions are present.

  • What moment or interaction with Jesus stands out to you? Why?
  • How would you describe Jesus’ attitude and behavior in these scenes?
  • Have you ever been crushed by grief?
Today’s passage shows us Jesus wrestling deeply with the gap between what he wants and what he knows is God’s will. He chooses to walk ahead into suffering because of his love for God and faithfulness to him.

Prayer: Father, if you are willing, please take my suffering away. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.