Week 3 - Day 5
We’ve been journeying with Jesus and his disciples this week as they have walked together. As Jesus and his disciples approach Jerusalem, he tries to tell them what is about to happen to him, but they have a hard time grasping it. We began this week reading about Jesus healing a blind man, and this section ends with Jesus healing another man, Bartimaeus.
- What is important to Jesus in these verses?
- What is important to the disciples in these verses?
- How do you answer Jesus’ question: “What do you want me to do for you?”
James and John asked Jesus for position and prominence. Bartimaeus called out to Jesus for mercy. What do you want to ask Jesus?
Prayer: Jesus, as we follow you, open our eyes. Help us see you more clearly and follow your example of humility, service and self-sacrifice. Help us not be surprised by suffering but instead see it as a place to be with you.