Week 2 - Day 5

Read, and if possible, listen to this final section of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. If you can, use the audio option (click the audio icon) to listen to his words. Resist the urge to rush through this; rather, take your time and let this teaching sink in. As Jesus ends his teaching, notice the crowd’s reaction.

  • Based on this teaching, what is important to Jesus?
  • Are there any verses where you sense Jesus speaking to you?
  • What is one way you can put Jesus’ teachings into practice?
In the final section of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus emphasizes that we must not only listen to his teaching but also follow and apply it. Let’s make Jesus—his life, example, and teaching—the foundation for our lives.

Prayer: God, thank you for being a good Father who loves me and wants to give me good gifts. Help me see how you are generous to me. Jesus, thank you for your amazing words. Please transform me as I follow you. Amen.

This is the final devotion for this week. We will resume next Monday, February 10. To find all of the series resources for “I Know A Guy,” visit wschurch.org/iknowaguy.