Week 2 - Day 1
Jesus was a powerful teacher, and one of his most well-known teachings is in the book of Matthew. It’s often called The Sermon on the Mount. Jesus’ words in these chapters (Matthew 5-7) describe the way of God—his kingdom—and what it looks like to live within it. This week, we’ll spend time taking in the words of Jesus’ teaching. The first people who heard it were hungry to hear his words.
While we know that Jesus is one of the most famous and remarkable people to have ever lived, the people living in Galilee in the 1st century were just starting to realize how unique and intriguing he was.
- What can you observe about Jesus in these verses?
- How do people respond to Jesus?
- What emotions and visuals do you imagine in this scene as Jesus gets ready to teach?
Prayer: Jesus, help me be ready to hear your words and to understand your kingdom in new ways.