Week 1 - Day 5

The final scene in scripture where we find Nicodemus is after Jesus’ death, helping with his burial. Read today’s scripture and use your imagination to step into the story. Notice and imagine the details of what you see, what you hear, even what you might smell or taste, and what emotions are present. Use your notebook or journal to record some of what you observe and imagine.

  • What stands out to you from this scene?
  • What do you notice about the relationship between Jesus and Nicodemus in the three scenes you’ve read this week?
Prayer: Jesus, help me step into the light. I want to obey you and follow you. Show me the way you want me to walk in today.

We are not meant to follow Jesus alone. We are created to be in relationship with God and with others! Want to reflect and consider the health and specifics of some of your key relationships? Click here for a resource we created to explore Life-Changing Friendships: https://www.wschurch.org/Content/ikag/IKAG_LifeChangingFriendships.pdf