Week 1 - Day 2
To spend time with Jesus today, we will meet him as he visits Nicodemus, a very religious man.
Read today’s scripture and use your imagination to step into the story. Notice and imagine the details of what you see, what you hear, even what you might smell or taste, and what emotions are present.
- What can you know about Jesus from this interaction with Nicodemus?
In John 3:13, Jesus says, “No one has ever gone to heaven and returned. But the Son of Man has come down from heaven.”
(Jesus used the name, “Son of Man” to refer to himself.) Nicodemus noticed Jesus through his miracles and teaching. He assumed God was with Jesus, but Jesus claims something even greater—to be God himself.
Prayer: Jesus, we know God sent you to teach us. Show me more of you and the Father today. Give life to us through your Spirit.