September 26, 2024

There are so many things that can steal our joy or distract us from the ways God’s kingdom is at work around us. Paul reminds the church at Philippi that although they faced opposition to joy, there was still plenty of reason to rejoice.

 “It’s true that some are preaching out of jealousy and rivalry. But others preach about Christ with pure motives. They preach because they love me, for they know I have been appointed to defend the Good News. Those others do not have pure motives as they preach about Christ. They preach with selfish ambition, not sincerely, intending to make my chains more painful to me. But that doesn’t matter. Whether their motives are false or genuine, the message about Christ is being preached either way, so I rejoice. And I will continue to rejoice. For I know that as you pray for me and the Spirit of Jesus Christ helps me, this will lead to my deliverance.”
Philippians 1:15-19

What stands out to you from Paul’s words?

He is showing mature discernment in naming these distractions for what they are, while also not allowing them to deter him from his ability to rejoice.
Say a short prayer to God, asking him to allow you to have the kind of holy indifference that Paul displays here.

Practice: Today, perhaps even amid difficult situations and people, make a list of reasons you can rejoice and delight in God’s good gifts. Use your notebook or notes app to make a good list!

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